Persons who suspect that a Swiss bank holds contactless assets to which they are entitled have always been able to contact the bank or individual banks directly. In addition, since 1996 there has been the possibility of a central search for contactless and dormant assets via the contact point of the Banking Ombudsman within the framework of guidelines issued by the Swiss Bankers Association. In addition, since December 2015, long-term dormant assets have been published on the internet on a publication list so that entitled persons can become aware of their existence and assert their claims before they ultimately have to be handed over to the state.
Customer relationships that have been closed by authorized persons are not considered contactless or dormant and therefore cannot be identified by a central search. Closed customer relationships are therefore not published.
The Swiss Banking Ombudsman serves as a central point of contact for persons seeking dormant assets (sleeping accounts) in Swiss banks.
The Swiss Banking Ombudsman institution started its activities in April 1993. Since July 2013, the Banking Ombudsman has been Marco Franchetti, lic. iur. and notary. He is supported in his work by a team of multilingual lawyers, economists and banking experts.
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