A bunker covered in pieces of broken mirrors at sunset, France
"As Through a Glass Darkly..."
In 2014, the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), an intergovernmental body setting global AML standards, issued guidelines against the misuse of legal persons and arrangements for criminal purposes including tax crimes and corruption.
FATF Recommendation 24 and 25 ask countries to "ensure that there is adequate, accurate, and timely information on the beneficial ownership and control of legal persons [and] on express trusts, including information on the settlor, trustee and beneficiaries that can be obtained and accessed in a timely fashion by competent authorities" allowing them to "follow the money" during financial investigations.
At the end of 2016, over 200 jurisdictions have committed to systematically share beneficial ownership information either with competent authorities or the large public.
In response to decades of secrecy which led, in April 2016, to the Panama Papers, the EU launched the 5th Anti-Money Laundering Directive (AMLD5):
AMLD5 brings “transparency about who really owns companies and trusts to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing via opaque structures” in particular:
1) Transparency on the real owners of companies registered in the EU: Unlimited public access to European corporate beneficial owner registers in order to “enhance public scrutiny” (from the press, NGOs etc.).
2) Transparency on the real owners of EU administered express trusts: Access to BO data of trusts limited to competent authorities (FIUs, tax authorities, supervisors) and "other persons who can demonstrate a legitimate interest" (such as an investigative journalist investigating corruption or money laundering):
3) Interconnection of the beneficial ownership registers at EU level: each country’s central registers is to be linked to the European Central Platform (ECP).
The UK's beneficial ownership register was launched in 2016 under the name of People with Significant Control (PSC) Register. It was among the first European beneficial ownership registers.
The German Transparency Register ("Transparenzregister") is fully public since 2017.
Since 2018, all companies registered in Hong Kong must maintain up-to-date beneficial ownership information in a semipublic Significant Controllers Register ("SCR") to be kept at the company's registered office (or another place in Hong Kong) in English or Chinese language.
Registre des bénéficiaires effectifs ("RBE"), fully public since 2019
AMLD4 implemented (since 1.8.2019), the implementation of AMLD5 in Liechtenstein is pending
Resident agents to disclose UBOs to new Superintendence body.
Register of Registrable Controllers, semipublic
In Switzerland, there is no centralized public beneficial ownership register as such. Instead, Swiss limited companies (in German AG, in French SA) have a duty to keep and update beneficial ownership data in-house (in the so called "share register", "Aktienbuch", "registre des actions", "registro delle azioni").
FATF Guidance (2014) Transparency and Beneficial Ownership (here)
FATF – Egmont Group (2018) Concealment of Beneficial Ownership (here)
FATF (2019) Best Practices on Beneficial Ownership for Legal Persons (here)
STEP (2021) Beneficial Ownership Registers: The STEP Handbook for Advisers (Globe Law and Business) (here)
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